Communication Skills Course

Teaching How to Improve the Ability to Communicate Effectively
How often has a failure in communication precipitated a breakdown in relations or been the cause of violence? Too often, as most will agree. This course answers the question, is it possible for someone to handle any situation in life with communication alone? Happily, the answer is a resounding yes.
This section of the Criminon Program breaks down the subject of communication into all of its constituent parts, and thoroughly trains the student on each element before going on to the next, through a series of drills which increase the student’s ability to confront people and communicate clearly and competently.
The student is also taught to recognize where communication has broken down in the past and why, so that he can correct it in the present. And more importantly, he learns how to remain calm in the face of hostility or adversity, maintaining self-control and handling the situation with communication alone—and without violence.
Students of the course report not only feeling more calm, more able to tolerate others, they also say how much they simply enjoy actually speaking with people now, as opposed to talking to them before.
“This is a great course and I think that everyone should be taught these skills, because to me, communication is what makes the world go round. The lack of proper communication can screw up any situation.
“Upon completing the communication course I have accomplished one of the biggest wins of my life. At one point in my life I thought that I truly knew everything about communicating with people, but I was wrong. By way of this program and its discovery and through the instructors and material that’s provided I have learned one of the most important and required tools there is in order for one to get along with people; not only family members and friends but anyone you will come into contact with in the future, after developing these skills.
“Good communication is very important and it can make everyone’s life better if they’re armed with these skills. After completing this course I’ve already recognized the change in the way I communicate with people and how I can help them communicate with me better as well. This is a great course and I think that everyone should be taught these skills, because to me, communication is what makes the world go round. The lack of proper communication can screw up any situation. Thanks Criminon!”
Inmate, Lorton, VA