Criminon Research Papers & Studies
Below is a sampling of program evaluations, papers and studies of the Criminon program.

The Criminon Program Evaluation: Phase I
— The Urban Institue
Analysis of the Criminon program by the Urban Institute. This paper discusses the content of the components of the program and the underlying approach to rehabilitation taken by Criminon.

Utah Juvenile Court Case Study — FASE
A program administered in cooperation with the juvenile court in Utah. Juvenile offenders participated in the Criminon Program, including the drug handling component known as the detoxification regiment. The result was a significant reduction in juvenile crime by the offenders who completed the program.

Criminon in Honduras
—The Women’s Center of Social Adaption (CEFAS)
A detailed case study of the operation of the Criminon Program in a women’s prison in Honduras Based on surveys and interviews of inmates and corrections staff, the study details the changes in behavior and social interaction of the inmates as a result of the Criminon Program.

The Criminon Program in Taiwan
— A Social Return on Investment (SROI) Report
A detailed report on Criminon Taiwan’s (“No Crime, R.O.C.”) Social Value principles published by PricewaterhouseCoopers Taiwan and The Association for No Crime, R.O.C. reviewed and certified by Social Value International satisfying the requirements of their report assurance program.

The Criminon Program White Paper
The paper describes the nature and content of the Criminon Program and documents examples of results obtained.

The Criminon Program Evaluation: Phase I
— The Urban Institue
Analysis of the Criminon program by the Urban Institute. This paper discusses the content of the components of the program and the underlying approach to rehabilitation taken by Criminon.

Utah Juvenile Court Case Study — FASE
A program administered in cooperation with the juvenile court in Utah. Juvenile offenders participated in the Criminon Program, including the drug handling component known as the detoxification regiment. The result was a significant reduction in juvenile crime by the offenders who completed the program.

Criminon in Honduras
—The Women’s Center of Social Adaption (CEFAS)
A detailed case study of the operation of the Criminon Program in a women’s prison in Honduras Based on surveys and interviews of inmates and corrections staff, the study details the changes in behavior and social interaction of the inmates as a result of the Criminon Program.

The Criminon Program in Taiwan
— A Social Return on Investment (SROI) Report
A detailed report on Criminon Taiwan’s (“No Crime, R.O.C.”) Social Value principles published by PricewaterhouseCoopers Taiwan and The Association for No Crime, R.O.C. reviewed and certified by Social Value International satisfying the requirements of their report assurance program.

The Criminon Program White Paper
The paper describes the nature and content of the Criminon Program and documents examples of results obtained.