Understanding & Overcoming Addiction

Effects of Drugs & How to Overcome Addiction
Currently, well over half of all crimes in the United States are related to drug use or are committed while the person is on drugs. The handling of drug addiction, and education which serves to keep someone from using drugs both go a long way in handling the problems of crime.
This course teaches the student exactly what drugs are and the effects they have on the body and mind. It explains how and why one becomes addicted to drugs in the first place and then details an exact regimen— which involves the use of vitamins and exercise—for freeing a person from the grip of addiction, and all without medical substitutes.
Those who study this course have routinely commented that having this information on drugs and their true effects is invaluable.
“Just take your time while doing it and be true and honest with the course and to yourself while doing it and the ending results will be gratifying.”
“I just wanted to thank Criminon for having this course. I had a drug problem before I took this course. Now I am beating my problem because I am applying everything the course had said, to myself. I am an example that this course really works. Just take your time while doing it and be true and honest with the course and to yourself while doing it and the ending results will be gratifying. Then at that time you will then know and feel that you have beat your drug problem. But don’t ever stop. If you don’t stop, you don’t relapse. Remember that. Now help someone else that needs help like you did.”
Eastern Correctional Institution