Personal Values and Integrity Course

Ethics, Honesty & How One Can Correct Past Harmful Actions
The loss of integrity and self-respect are very real factors when considering an individual’s descent into crime and unethical behavior. The recovery of both is the main concern of this course.
It begins with basic principles and culminates with exact steps the student can use to help himself – or another – regain personal integrity through the inspection of past harmful actions and then taking responsibility for them. The student must discover for himself what he did wrong and what should have been done instead.
The course also shows the student why maintaining integrity in the future is a central factor in one’s own strength and happiness, and exactly how this can be done on a practical level. Ultimately, it is the recovery of his own self-trust which makes his rehabilitation viable, and that is exactly what this course delivers.
“I finally saw that it wasn’t somebody else doing it to me, but my own actions that created my present and future.”
Here is what one inmate wrote about his success with the Personal Integrity Course:
“I finally saw that it wasn’t somebody else doing it to me, but my own actions that created my present and future. It is only by my own determinism that I can find and make the person I want to be and live ethically. No one can do it for me. I can only make it, we can only make it, if we are true to ourselves and live to the greater good of the greater number. I finally get it now. I will make that future that I can see where we all can make it. I understand now.”
Estelle Unit,Huntsville, TX