Learning Study Skills to Help My Son

The Learning Skills for Life Course has helped me more than I ever expected if I’m being honest. I am currently doing my best to help my son study over the phone. He is 14 years old and is in year 10… and is struggling with how big of a step up, year 10 is from year 9. Because I understood the materials so easily, I was getting frustrated that my son didn’t… but now that I have completed the course, this has all changed.
While we won’t know the full benefits until he gets his first set of exam results back, we have both noticed a massive improvement.
I realized that a lot of his understanding difficulties were because I was teaching him purely over the phone without any visual aids or extra material. We now study together over the phone, he has the internet always on in front of him so he can search up extra material and pictures. Plus he has sent me a copy of his textbooks so we go through together topics he has misunderstood. While we won’t know the full benefits until he gets his first set of exam results back, we have both noticed a massive improvement. Plus, both of our frustration levels are at an all-time low which only makes the whole experience of studying so much more enjoyable for him.
Brad C.