Journey from Hate and Violence to Hope and Faith

My success story starts when I took and completed the Criminon course The Way to Happiness. I’ve been incarcerated in prison since I was 18 years old and now I’m 37 years old. My life was filled with hate, violence, loneliness, as well as no thought to anyone around me.
Well, The Way to Happiness course opened my heart, mind and soul to the right way of living and treating others in the world. My life changed dramatically since completing the course. I listen to people and communicate with others in a mature manner.
I now smile and laugh and take life more easier. “The Golden Rule” is a piece of common knowledge for all. But treating people as you would like to be treated is a way of life, which makes all live in peace and harmony-regardless if you are incarcerated, or free.
To respect everyone in life and around you brings respect, love and friendships in your life which can be cherished for life, and happiness.
Through this course, my family and I are closer and communicate better. My sister and I are becoming friends as well as brother and sister again.
My daily life in prison dealing with guards and inmates are more direct and respectful to their feelings and a lot more polite. Staff even see the change in my daily attitudes and communication skills.
“The course has even gave me back my hope and faith in getting out and going home again. I truly feel by this course helping me grow as a man and spiritually.”
The course has even gave me back my hope and faith in getting out and going home again. I truly feel by this course helping me grow as a man and spiritually.
I can be a success story in society as I was in this course. I hold myself in a higher standard daily due to this course.
It’s so easy to be polite and helpful to others, and the rewards are so sincere and spiritually rewarding. It’s priceless in the big picture of life.
I hope my success story can help someone as Criminon has helped me.
T. G.