I Finally Found Someone I Could Help

Conditions of Life Course Success
The Conditions of Life Course made me go beyond the surface to find answers to questions using events in my life and experiences. It also challenged me to find opportunities to serve others. A lot of us who are incarcerated need help, but we will not ask another prisoner for help because the other prisoner might feel he is owed something. Conditions of Life made me find someone I could help, and he actually helped me also. I was unsuccessful the first three times I asked to help people. I finally found someone that I could help, and I was reminded that as long as I don’t give up, completing what I start is obtainable.
Brian F.
Thumb C.F., Lapeer, Michigan
Learning Improvement Course Success
During my time in school, I never really did much studying or cared to pay attention. I see that maybe it was my lack of knowledge when it came to learning to retain the material. My mind was always wandering, and I’d convince myself I was studying. I’ve been trying to practice simple skills with my studies and have noticed a clear difference. I can say these lessons have helped me in my weaker areas of studying, which has made me more eager to learn and help educate others.
Aaron T.
Pendleton C.F., Pendleton, Indiana