Learning How to Overcome Addiction

“This course has brought an awareness to me that I never had before. Growing up in the 70’s I had my share of parties & drugs. I was never addicted to anything other than beer and cigarettes. I never understood how and why people could and can get addicted to many of the harder drugs.
“Not only has this course explained to me in a very plain way how and why people get addicted, it has also given me the tools to help those people if given the chance. They have plainly given me the “recipe” to possibly saving someone’s life someday.
“Without this course, I would have globally judged people with addictions wrongfully. They need help from anyone willing to help. This course gives you the tools to do just that. Help those who need it most.”
“Thank you!”
“The Handling Drugs course was a wealth of very valuable information.
“In this society, there is so much emphasis placed on Drug Treatment that is both costly and time consuming.
“It’s nice to know that with the right attitude, proper diet and rest, and with the right vitamins with supplements you can achieve successful results. The knowledge I acquired in this course, I can carry to use in a lifetime. Also with this knowledge I can pass it on to someone that may truly need it and possibly help save their life.”
“I feel I learned a lot by taking the handling drugs course. It has taught me the many ways drugs are bad for my physical and mental well being.
“It has showed me step by step the way certain drugs can cause immediate and long term present effects and eventual side effects. The course has shown me that one can come off drugs no matter how long or short a time one has been using. Coming off drugs is not easy, but through this course I have been enlightened and made aware that with strong willpower and the genuine caring of others, I can prevail.”
“When I took this course it helped me to become a better person because I have learned how to stay off drugs. The exercises helped me to change my life, now I know not to hang around with people who use drugs.
“This course will help me to make a better life for myself.”