I Am the Master of My own Fate

Personal Integrity Course Success
“By taking and studying the Personal Integrity Course I have found ways that free me from self-guilt and learned what cause and effect my actions have on myself and others.
“I always knew right from wrong or thought I knew but this course laid down the facts for me which I greatly appreciate.
“This course was an awakening that I needed!”
“Knowing that my actions not only have an effect on my physical but also my mental and emotional well-being. The things I hide and ‘get away with’ can be far more damaging than wrong deeds I get caught and punished for.”
“This course had a tremendous effect on me in its breakdown and explanations of how even the smallest wrongdoings to others can adversely affect and damage relationships – personal and professional – by explaining how this happens the success and positive impact of this course is its guide to future prevention of such harmful acts.
“With such informative language, its title bears truth and much fruit for the person who is eager and interested in changing their lives and those around them.
“Thank you.”
“For me doing this course was very informative and eye-opening, in reading and accepting what I was reading with an open mind and looking for answers this course helped me realized and understand that for 1/2 my life I had been wondering why I was and why it felt as though I was getting nowhere in life, that I was achieving very little happiness, contentment and/or monetary/material things at all.
“The other courses I have completed were helpful to me, but this course was by far the most influential and helpful to me understanding that I truly am the “Master” of my own fate, that how I live and feel inside truly does reflect where, what, when, who, and how I meet people and life, that my attitude truly means and has a huge help in the path I walk during my daily living of life.
“Life is much more fruitful by how we have a more positive impact on others and our surroundings than by wishing and wanting others to give more to ourselves.”
“Personal Integrity has been an asset and help to my lifestyle, it is one of my favorite courses.
“It has taught me moral codes within a group, why and how people use justification.
“It has enlightened me to understand why people (and I speak about myself) leave areas, jobs, relationships, etc. – just blow-off everything and everyone. It has been crucial in knowing what an overt act was & a withhold. Last but not least it showed me that honest people sincerely are the ones who have rights.
“Thank you Criminon for showing and allowing me to take this course which I will take and implement now and upon my release so I may reach success and excellence.”