I Think Every Parent Should Do This Course

When I saw the parenting course I wanted to do it. I have children and being in prison I do not feel like a good parent at times due to my current situation. I thought I could do with some parenting skills when dealing with my children to be the best father I can be. After doing the course I feel I have more understanding on my role as a father and it gave me confidence in myself as a father.
Thank you, Criminon.
Harry S., HMP Whitemoor
I really liked doing the parenting skills course. It made me look into all the pros and cons, gave me skill-based methods to use, and helped me out with taking care of children and understanding new ways to benefit myself and my children. I learned about working around situations that occur and how to handle situations without losing control. I can be cool, calm and collected.
Peter S., HMP Humber
“I think every parent should do this course, I can’t wait to get out and put these skills to use.”
The Parenting Skills Course opens your eyes to another level of raising children. It is deep and complex yet defined in a way that isn’t hard to learn/gain invaluable skills from. I think every parent should do this course, I can’t wait to get out and put these skills to use, I have learned so much about how to live with children and about how a baby contributes.
This course 110% has made me a real parent.
Jake M., HMP Berwyn