Corcoran State Prison Changing Conditions in Life

By far, this course has given me great insight on how to keep myself in a progressive mode throughout my life. For one day I will jump start my own business venture and the key to its success is the actual and specific application of the formulas drawn out in this course. This course should be included in the curriculum of every business school offered at any college.
The course has not only given me insight on how one should perform his job duties but it has also made me aware of where I was in my work – cabinetry.
I am confident that I will be successful in any job setting that I am a part of. I understand that sometimes one must start at the bottom and work his way to the middle, then the top while all the time being conscious of the conditions one must apply.
This course is just like… Outstanding! Once a person studies and applies the course formulas, one will be mentally dressed for success. This course has heightened my ambition and will to succeed.
C.V.R. Carpenter
Corcoran, California State Prison