Criminon New York Offers Inmates New Hope

“I was introduced to ‘The Way To Happiness Course’ sometime in 2004. It was exciting from the beginning because I had to read, study, and learn without the presence of a teacher. However, my interest started to decline, for many reasons but mainly being incarcerated. I stopped doing the lessons.
“For some reason, my conscience always haunted me as time moved on my concern grew less. Fortunately, I was blessed with a supervisor who wasn’t about to let me quit. So I took advantage of the blessings and the chance to read, study and learn again. My ability to comprehend, consider, and appreciate has been heightened to a level where my Virtues are my answers, my remedies, my comfort zone, and my confidence.
“More than anything though my faith has risen to heights I never knew existed. I’ve been incarcerated for over 11 years. Just two years ago because of this course I started to care- that’s real talk- this course has put me on a course to being a better more productive person. I know my true success will come once I’m released and I can apply everything I’ve learned while in society.
“Thanks to my supervisor and to Criminon.”
“I’ve learned how to listen and be more pleasant to people. This is course has also taught me how to deal with different peoples’ ways and to better understand what’s being said to me. I also gained more knowledge on how to talk to people and treat them.
“It’s also shed some light on how I should choose people that are trustworthy and industrious so that when I come home I could deal with society a lot better.
“I have flourished in my relationship with my family and friends. I would recommend this course and any other course from Criminon, not only to prisoners but to family and friends in society.”
“I would highly recommend any of the Criminon correspondence courses as they make you realize how other people see you and your attitude towards other people.
“It makes you want to improve your quality of life, by taking action and responsibility for your short-comings. I strongly believe anyone taking the Criminon Correspondence Courses will be a far better person when they complete the course.
“I know that I feel better about myself and have more self control than before I completed their Correspondence Course. My Supervisor was very helpful in answering all my questions and guiding me in the right direction.”
“It was a really interesting course, and I learned a lot about myself, others and gained a broader outlook on life.”
“I must admit that at times it gets frustrating when I think about how better life would be if just a few of these concepts were adopted and applied. A lot of the personal and social problems would no longer exist and I wonder why I never came across this information before, and how much better my life could have been if I had. Anyway, as they say, better late than never, and I’m certainly the better for it.”
J. C.
“I think the Criminon course “The Way to Happiness” is an excellent program. And I really appreciate you corresponding with me individually instead of being like some programs and putting my name on a form letter. Also it felt like I was in one-on-one counseling because I was able to express things that I would not tell my cell mate about. So thank you and keep up the good work.”
“I am currently on my 11th year of incarceration with 4 more years to go before I see the Parole Board. I first heard about Criminon about a year ago when I found a disregarded Booklet explaining what Criminon’s intentions were. My first thought was, “Yeah, right!”, “Picture Criminon helping me change my life!”- Or for that matter, anyone else.
“I’ve always been a hard headed individual. My life has always been about drugs, guns, and committing crime as a means to survive, since I grew up in the streets of Los Angeles back in the 1980’s.
“After 25 years in and out of jail with still time to go – I knew it was time to make a change.
“Criminon has given me the necessary “Tools” to make that change.
“Their study course is clear and to the point. With the help of my supervisor I have slowly been applying the Precepts I have learned in my day to day life, and have seen for myself that Criminon’s teachings are working for me.
“I am learning to be patient; focusing on future goals and not giving in to the day to day temptations that will foil my chances of success at a new beginning upon my release from prison. I thank Criminon sincerely for their Study Course and The Way to Happiness.”
“My success in doing the Personal Integrity Course has open my eyes to an entirely different way to see the aspects of how a person can and will think when placed in situations leading them to believe they are “Right” in their actions.
“I have learned the true reasons why a person “motivates” to retaliate against others in his life, and the reasons for doing so.
“This Course has shown and taught me that for some people, doing wrong on a continual basis is a cry for help from society; in doing so these people feel that the cry for help lessons the damage they have done to the social group of which they are a part. In all reality these persons have caused nothing but harm.
“I am now truly pleased that I can now say that I know what it is to be free from having a bad conscience. Without this clean state, no one can truly be free.
“Today I am here to say that I am sitting in a society of the imprisoned and I have no regrets about my situation because I truly believe and feel that I am totally free of bad conscience!!!”