Learning Tools for a Drug-Free Life

While taking the Understanding and Overcoming Addiction Course I have learned that people take drugs to ease pain. I remember at first thinking that this was not true, because I remember the first time I did heroin which is my drug of choice. I did it the first time out of curiosity, then I believed that I liked it deeply so that was why I chose to continue my use which led me to become strung out. Once I was strung out, it was like the drug was not getting me high anymore, and I was just using to not get sick.
After getting clean the first time I never really realized exactly why I kept going back to using until actually reading the reason behind the drug problem. When I think about what that pain could have been, I think of many things. I got high for courage, I got high to cope with life, I got high for power, I got high for confidence, I got high for assurance, I got high for relaxation, I got high for strength, I got high for friendship, I got high for sociability, I got high for happiness.
When I think about all the reasons I got high it was to take away those pains. However, it never took away those pains. It only made things worse, I became unhappy, miserable, I made enemies, I became lonely, I almost died. Ultimately I got high for power and became powerless.
I also learned a little bit about the effects that drugs had on the mind and body. One other section that I learned a great deal about was helping someone get off drugs.
This is something that I had wish I had known long ago, because one of the worst things about heroin is withdrawal and this section teaches you about nutritional data such as the *drug-bomb which contains many different vitamins in which you lack while using drugs and these vitamins also help push the drugs out quicker… I also learned about objective exercises.
“If I had known these tools and techniques years ago I might not be in the situation I am in right now. Drugs are my only reason for being here right now and in the past.”
If I had known these tools and techniques years ago I might not be in the situation I am in right now. Drugs are my only reason for being here right now and in the past. I can’t go in the past and re-do what is done. However, I can take what I have learned from this course into the future.
R. J.
Orange County Jail