Prison Supervisor Sees Criminon Success

Corcoran Supervisor
“I have been aware of the Criminon programs since 1994 when I became a teacher with the California Department of Corrections. Since then, I have seen hundreds of inmates participate in the program with very positive results. The program is extremely well laid out, it’s effective and packaged in such a way that I can even use it with Secure Housing Unit inmates.
“I believe the Criminon program goes a long way to make a dent in the needs of the inmates that we are attempting to reach.”
—Gary Goddard, Ph.D., Supervisor of Correctional Educational Programs
California State Prison, Corcoran
Criminon Student
“Dear Criminon,
“I cannot thank you enough for the opportunity to enroll in and be a participant in the Criminon Rehabilitation Program. “The Way to Happiness” extension course has been for me an eye-opening, life-changing experience, and one which has blessed my personal life and well-being tremendously.
“Never in all the years of my incarceration have I been moved to again hope and believed in the future, nor inspired to change, truly, truly change as I have now been so moved and inspired to do, in order to become a better, brighter and far more benevolent person.”
“Never in all the years of my incarceration have I been moved to again hope and believed in the future, nor inspired to change, truly, truly change as I have now been so moved and inspired to do, in order to become a better, brighter and far more benevolent person. The many precepts taught and promoted within this course are not only vital to my own peace of mind and peaceful interaction with prison life, but are also invaluable to me making it successfully out in the streets. And to think that I’ve only just begun to engage upon this new-found path and journey.
“So I am excited about all that the future holds in store for me. For me, two words define clearly the overall message of “The Way to Happiness” extension course: Truth and love. Truth to oneself and honest interaction with our fellow man, Love of life and love for the world we live in and love towards our fellow man, but even more importantly that we love ourselves.
Again, Thank You, Criminon.”
S.O., Inmate Corcoran State Prison