Student Success in California Correctional Facilities

“I am a firm believer that each and every one of us has a light source within us and it is up to us how bright it shines. This course has helped me in locating my light source, as well as given me a platform on which to emit this light in a positive way. I’ve been a wanderer of my own life in searching for what was missing. It is difficult to have self-awareness when you are in doubt in many areas. It is true that the destination isn’t as important as the journey. In my journey I am accompanied by Criminon. I’ve picked up the pieces that lay scattered within and began constructing the puzzle that has been my life, incorporating virtues like temperance, morality and tenacity—for they are safeguards that are uncompromising and unyielding.
“The course at Criminon is the supplies and materials that one needs to ‘build a better you.’”
“There is an old proverb that reads, “build a better world,” says God. And we often ask him how? But God in all of His wisdom says, “Just build a better you.” The course at Criminon is the supplies and materials that one needs to “build a better you.” I know because the better me has been under construction and since life is a learning process, I will be under construction from this day forth.
“Thank you Criminon!”
—J. C., California State Prison, Susanville
“I have participated in the Criminon course and I have come to find out that it has helped me in everyday situations. Before the course, I was the type of person to ask questions later, but now I take my time to analyze the situation and see if it is worth it. I live in prison and I will be here for many years to come and with this course, I have been able to see the light at the end of the tunnel.
“The course material has made me a better person. I think I say this because I have come to respect myself more as well as others. I’m not the same angry, hateful person that walked into prison. I owe that to the Criminon course.”
—C.G., CSP Sacramento, CA
“Despite the fact that I am confined to the premises of a prison, knowing is the beginning of freedom. I strongly believe since taking The Way to Happiness course, and practicing a positive living within here, is a key to enjoying a happy, healthy life in society. Although I am still the same person (physically and mentally) many patterns of social negative behavior have gone. Now I have a better understanding of my own survival and those around me. I feel comfort and at peace. When you open your heart and soul, there will be a whole new world opens to you.”
—R.A., Avenal State Prison
“The Way to Happiness course has allowed me to take a look into myself. This course has also helped me to identify with the dysfunctional thinking I have and showed me ways to change my thinking process.”
—R.B., BCF, Colorado
“I found The Way to Happiness course very informative and useful and it’s precepts valid for use in any situation in life. Through this course, I have gained a better perspective on my life and those around me and by applying what I’ve learned, I find that the road of life, though uncertain and dangerous at times, can be traveled more successfully when you allow sound morals to direct your path. A person will only get out of life what they put into it. no deposit, no return! I’m glad I did The Way to Happiness course. I’m a better man for doing so.”
—D.R., Chuckawalla Valley State Prison